SICP: Picture Language Exhibition

The picture language framework in SICP provides capabilities to create visually satisfying creative pictures, all built on top of a very simple concept - drawing a line between two points.

Spending some time with it, I came across some interesting patterns and I’m pleased to welcome you to the picture language grand exhibit.


Exhibit 1 - Solos


square-limit-with-outline-painter Notes: This picture helps clearly understand the ‘square limit’ pattern described in the book. Compare with M.C. Escher’s “Square Limit” woodcut which was the inspiration.


square-limit-with-x-painter Notes: Notice how the Xs blend into each other. There is the big X over the entire picture. In the center are many tilted squares. They can be also seen as diamonds. From each side, we see jutting mountain shapes that grow bigger as they approach the center.

A very balanced pattern.


square-limit-with-diamond-painter Notes: Another balanced pattern.

It emphasizes the diamond shapes which were more difficult to see earlier. This pattern also creates X shapes but they are smaller (as they do not combine, being separated into groups by size). One can also see the diamonds as squares which form cross-like patterns that increase as they reach outward.


square-limit-with-left-diagonal-painter Notes: This picture was generated by drawing only one of the diagonals (the left one) from the X pattern. It conveys calmness and receptivity.

In a world with different physics, ripples on a surface from every corner would interact and create this pattern.


square-limit-with-right-diagonal-painter Notes: This compliments the previous picture and projects a more forceful presence. There is an element of centredness.

If you compare the pictures, you will realize them to be positive and negative counterparts - masculine and feminine.

Exhibit 2 - Combinations

Combination I - outline+diagonal-painters

outline+right-diagonal Notes: This is the structured positive pattern from above. Imagery: The sun, radiating outward.

outline+left-diagonal Notes: Similiarly, this is the structured negative pattern. Imagery: The moon, whose beauty comes from reflection.

Combination II - outline+x-painter

outline+x-painter Notes: Balanced pattern that combines the positive and negative aspects.

Combination III - outline+diamond-painter

outline+diamond Notes: Another balanced combination of the two aspects.

Combination IV - diamond+x-painter

diamond+x-painter Notes: There are as many diamonds as there are Xs. The shapes grow smaller and more numerous as we look outward.

Combination V - outline+diamond+x-painter

outline+diamond+x-painter Notes: Quite an intricate pattern. Has a gothic appearance?

Exhibit 3 - The Centerpiece: ‘Oscillations around a center’

centerpiece ‘oscillations around a center’ Notes: This image was created by drawing mirrored images with frames centered.

Here, a square frame is outlined and centred within the ‘viewport frame’. Mirrored pairs of larger and smaller frames are centred with respect to this square frame - the pair of larger frames is outlined, the other contains square limit images of the wave painter.

Whence multiple dimensions emerge and dissolve, what is at that grand center?


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